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GoplexMC is a Minecraft Survival server running on Minecraft Beta 1.7.3, It has been running since 2016 and will continue running for as long as it possibly can. (We don't see it ending any time soon ;) )

Key Features

  • JVillages - A Towny like claiming system to protect your builds
  • GoCars - The ability to drive boats like cars on the server.
  • OSM - The server is merging with OSM so a ton of cool features from them are present on the server!

Extra additions

GoplexMC has some extras that come mainly from the in progress merge, For example, we have the following systems

Mainly for the OSM/GMC Merge:

  • Post office
    The ability to send items through the Post Office server to server (OSM<->GMC) and even to others on the server that wish to hide their location behind a Post Office address.
  • ecoExchange
    The ability to transfer money from server to server using our ecoExchange sheet provided on https://staff.owen2k6.com/eco.png

For GoplexMC's Internal features:

  • DVLA (Driver Vehicle Licencing Agency)
    The ability to use boats as cars requires some form of licencing to ensure that the roads remain safe from idiots, therefore the DVLA regulates the road network to ensure that people follow the rules set for them and if they are to break them, then their license is revoked
  • RoadsGMC
    The builder company for roads, they do all the roadworks and cover the costs of any incident on the road if money is required.


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Copyright © 2023 Owen2k6 Network
Last modified: December 13, 2023